You live to give

You live to give

YL2G initiative was created as a call to action, a reminder that the short time we have on this earth has to be used wisely, by helping each other, helping the people in need, and discovering our inner selves in the process. There is no greater joy than seeing a smile on the face of a less fortunate fellow human, an animal returning to its once destroyed habitat, a flower blooming where once ash was. Together we can rebuild, restore, and give hope.

Via Transilvanica Challenge

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Follow Vlad Lovin in his challenge to raise $2,000 for the orphan children and the Ukrainian refugees in Romania. Vlad will ride 800 km on his bike from northern to central Romania, on Via Transilvanica, a trail that crosses Romania from north to south through Carpathian mountains, rough terrains, thick woods, and centuries-old villages.